Monday, July 1, 2024

As Bon Jovi says…

Oh, We’re halfway there…

So, we’re in July, and I should be sitting at roughly 60,000 words written this year.
Not counting this post, I’m at 27,447 words. I’m behind by 33,000ish words.

And a LOT of it is my fault. Mama Melissa has GTA V/Online and I play on her system, which cuts into what I could be using as writing time. And I admit that… but I’d be lying if the game isn’t a blast to play.

That being said, Here’s what I have planned for the rest of 2024…

I’d say I’m somewhere between 65% and 70% done with this book. According to my notes, I have 6 more pages of plot notes to cover. I'm picking this up again this month, because WWE is starting to shift into SummerSlam season, and ever since Triple H took over, I’ve felt the love for the business coming alive again; it’s exciting again. It’s unpredictable (to a point) again. If I really apply myself, I can probably get this done by the middle of August. When I finish it, Edits will be done the following month, aiming for pushing 'Publish' about 7-10 days after edits are completed.
So, I’m thinking I am going to publish around the end of September.

This book was the one I started in 2022. In October 2022, I had a scene just bothering me. I mean, this scene was just SCREAMING at me... and I've always heard if something is SCREAMING at you, don't ignore it! So, with no plot notes or anything, I just started writing.
Over the course of 2023 and 2024, I fleshed this out a bit more and I am now sitting at about 11,700+ words into this now-book. I've given up trying to formally plan this, so I'm hoping I don’t end up with some ugly plot holes. I pantsed one of my books and ended up with a GLARING plot hole I needed to fix after I published it.
I’m going to be finishing this in September, while I edit WPWA #5 (because editing takes WAY less time that writing). Again, when I finish it, Edits will be done the following month, aiming for pushing 'Publish' about 7-10 days after edits are completed.
So, I’m thinking I am going to publish around the end of October. I will say this scene/book deviates from my normal style of writing. However, I am NOT going to get another pen name for it. I plan to publish it as Daisy Loveless with HEAVY warnings that it’s not like my normal writing.

I have at least 15 more ideas that are nothing more than a few sentences… just enough to get the gist of the plot… plus a few more bouncing in the noggin. I’m halfway through planning one book (which is going to be the 2nd book in my Country music series) and I have a 6th book floating in the head, which will be another departure from my normal writing style. I plan to publish WPWA #6 as Daisy Loveless with HEAVY warnings that it’s not like my normal writing.

My Mommy taught me from a young child, You can do anything you put your mind to.
I’ve decided to put my mind to meeting my 2024 goals. 

Sunday, December 31, 2023

Well, That didn't go as planned...

And that's okay.

So, I had a few goals for 2023…
~WRITE 120,000 WORDS

Sadly, I met only 1 of those goals; I started another book.
Just when I thought the medical issues with my adoptive grandfather were calming down, he had a stroke in March and passed 7 weeks later. Everything dealing with the stroke and events leading up to his death really zapped a lot of my creative energy. I barely wrote over 48,000 words in 2023, which I think has been my worse year to date.
So, I’m calling 2023 my own ‘annus horribilis’ and taking it as a wash.

That being said, my goals for 2024 are
I’d say I’m somewhere between 50% and 60% done with this book. According to my notes, I have 7 more pages of plot notes to cover. I'll be picking this up again towards the end of January, to coincide with Wrestlemania season. If I really apply myself, I can probably get this done by the middle of April. When I finish it, Edits will be done the following month, aiming for pushing 'Publish' about 7-10 days after edits are completed.
So, I’m thinking I am going to publish around the end of May.

This book was the one I started in 2022. In October 2022, I had a scene just bothering me. I mean, this scene was just SCREAMING at me... and I've always heard if something is SCREAMING at you, don't ignore it! So, with no plot notes or anything, I just started writing.
Over the course of 2023, I fleshed this out a bit more and I am now sitting at about 8800 words into this now-book. I've given up trying to formally plan this, so I'm hoping I don’t end up with some ugly plot holes. I pantsed one of my books and ended up with a GLARING plot hole I needed to fix after I published it.
I will say this scene/book deviates from my normal style of writing. However, I am NOT going to get another pen name for it. I plan to publish it as Daisy Loveless with HEAVY warnings that it’s not like my normal writing.

I have at least 15 more ideas that are nothing more than a few sentences… just enough to get the gist of the plot… plus a few more bouncing in the noggin. I’m halfway through planning one book (which is going to be the 2nd book in my Country music series) and I want to get at least one more book planned this year.

~WRITE 120,000 WORDS
I only have ‘records’ back to 2020, where I wrote 80,000 words. 2021, I wrote over 115k words. My challenge for 2022 and 2023 was 120k words, but that never happened.
So, that’s my challenge for 2024 is once again… 120,000 words.
It SHOULD average out to 10,000 words a month, but with April, July and November taking 15,000 words each, it knocks the other months down to roughly 8350 words.
Totally doable, as long as I don’t slack off.

I also want to update this blog more, but I don’t want to make it into a full-blown goal, because I may slip up on this one.

I’m signing off for now. How you all have a great 2024!

Monday, January 16, 2023

Onwards to 2023!

So, I had a few goals for 2022…
~WRITE 120,000 WORDS

Sadly, I met only 2 of those goals; I finished WPWA #4, which was named ‘Saving Declan,’ and I was able to get all my books into Kindle Unlimited.
The medical issues with my adoptive grandfather carried into a good portion of 2022 (including a few week-long stints in the hospital and a 2 month hospital stay at the end of March), and it really zapped a lot of my creative energy. I barely wrote over 50,000 words in 2022, which I think has been my worse year to date.
So, I’m calling 2022 my own ‘annus horribilis’ and taking it as a wash.

That being said, my goals for 2023 are

I’d say I’m somewhere between 50% and 60% done with this book. According to my notes, I have 7 more pages of plot notes to cover. If I really apply myself, I can probably get this done by the middle of February. When I finish it, Edits will be done the following month, aiming for pushing 'Publish' about 7-10 days after edits are completed.
So, I’m thinking I am going to publish around the end of March.

This could go two ways. In October, I had a scene just bothering me. I mean, this scene was just SCREAMING at me... and I've always heard if something is SCREAMING at you, don't ignore it! So, with no plot notes or anything, I just started writing.
I am about 2600 words into this scene. I still want to formally plan this, so I don’t end up with some ugly plot holes. I pantsed one of my books and ended up with a GLARING plot hole I needed to fix after I published it.
I will say this scene/book deviates from my normal style of writing. However, I am NOT going to get another pen name for it. I plan to publish it as Daisy Loveless with HEAVY warnings that it’s not like my normal writing.
I also have a set of plot notes completed that have never been printed out, so I have them to fall back on, in case I get stuck in either a plotting file or one of my WIPs.

I have at least 15 more ideas that are nothing more than a few sentences… just enough to get the gist of the plot… plus a few more bouncing in the noggin. I’m halfway through planning one book (which is going to be the 2nd book in my Country music series) and I want to get at least one more book planned this year.

~WRITE 120,000 WORDS
I only have ‘records’ back to 2020, where I wrote 80,000 words. 2021, I wrote over 115k words. My challenge for 2022 was 120k words, but that never happened.
So, that’s my challenge for 2023… 120,000 words.
It SHOULD average out to 10,000 words a month, but with April, July and November taking 15,000 words each, it knocks the other months down to roughly 8350 words.
Totally doable, as long as I don’t slack off.

I also want to update this blog more, but I don’t want to make it into a full-blown goal, because I may slip up on this one.

I’m signing off for now. How you all have a great 2023!

Monday, January 17, 2022

2022 Plans...

 So, we're 17 days into 2022... What do I have planned for this year?


So, 'Malcolm' got changed to 'Declan,' which kinda fits more with the muse I was using for the HS flashback days. I'm REALLY close to finishing this one, but I ended up getting 'Writer's Burnout' from this book. I WANTED it done in November, but I blew the whole NaNoWriMo thing and wrote maybe 5000 words that month.
I also tried to finish it in December, but then I got sidelined the last week of the month with some medical issues with my adoptive grandfather (including 2 week-long stints in the hospital), and then I ended up with a BAD acid reflux flareup, all right for Christmas. I had to lay in bed all day, just so I didn't try to bring a lung up through my throat or vomit onto my keyboard. That was rough and I don't wish acid reflux on anyone.
I'm HOPING I can finish Declan and Skyler in February or March. Whatever month I finish it, Edits will be done the following month, aiming for pushing 'Publish' about 7-10 days after edits are completed.


As I said in November's update, Well, I'm happy to say I may have found another WPWA book.
Last year (2020), I started a Drew McIntyre fanfic, as a Thank you to my 'Beta Girls' for helping me when I get stuck and the like. It got shelved in May 2020 (after Camp NaNo) and never picked up again. It took me a few days to get an idea, but it's doable!! I think if I eliminate the 'Scottish accent' of Drew and make the character American born, the plot can still work!!

I'm working on those changes now. It's minor things, like turning Scottish dialect/dialogue into an American dialect and changing characters/names of events. There's not too many plot edits I actually need to do, so I'm HOPING once I get through the changes, I can actively start writing again.
I don't see this one being finished before April; I really don't. Like with WPWA Book #4, Whatever month I finish it, Edits will be done the following month, aiming for pushing 'Publish' about 7-10 days after edits are completed.


I have another book all plotted that I plan to start as soon as WPWA Book #5 is finished. It's a 'Friends to Lovers' book and I'm really excited to start that one! A lot of flashbacks in that one, so that's going to be fun as well.


So, this video popped up on my YouTube recs page... It's of the 'Reunion' my HS band (Montrose Marching Unit) did in 2010. Not entirely sure why, but now I want to write a 'Marching Band/Second Chance' book with a drumline player and a Color Guard/Flag girl.
That's going to be fun to even plot, because I was NOT in Band or Color Guard. I was a Choir girl, so I'm not entirely sure how that's going to pan out. I have a feeling I'm going to be interviewing/messaging my HS friends who were in Color Guard for help!

I also have an idea of a sort of 'Arranged Marriage' book floating in the ol' noggin... Not really 'Forced,' because the MFC could say no at any time, but more of a 'arranged for the MFC's own good and the two MCs fall for one another.'

I'd be shocked if either one of these are published in 2022. If they are, it's going to be pushing December for a publishing date.


Right now, I only have Treat You Better in Kindle Unlimited. I did a test run the last 3 months of 2021, and forgot to remove it. So, instead of having to remember to take it out, I'm going to be moving ALL books to KU on MARCH 29, 2022. It will be easier for you to read my books that way.

So, those are my 2022 plans. And now? I'm going to go edit WPWA Book #5 some more!

Saturday, December 4, 2021

The Best Thing about being a Writer...

The Best Thing about being a Writer...

This popped up on my Author Goodreads page...

I guess the best thing about being a Writer is...


I'm my own 'boss.' I don't have to answer to anyone else.

Having a bad day? Nope, not writing.

Plot not working for me? Okay, let's shelve it for a while; come back when the eyes (and mind) is fresh and I can think more clearly.

Writing about the things I like, and not what others think I need to write about? Sure can!

Deadlines? Only self-imposed, and I have the ability to move them as needed.

Sure, telling the stories are fun, and I love seeing the characters come alive with each keystroke...

But for me? The best part is the freedom to be able to write around MY schedule, whatever that may be!

Saturday, November 20, 2021

November 2021 update

November 2021 Update

So, with exactly 6 weeks left in 2021, (HOW is this even possible???) Let me give you a quick update.

Yes, I've answered this before, but I'm working on different things now.

So, What book are we talking about?

My Boyfriend's Best Friend was based on the love triangle between Matt Hardy, Amy Dumas, and Adam Copeland, all wrestlers for WWE at one point in their lives. While the plotline was based on that event, I just altered details and events to fit more into my vision and the WPWA universe.

As for currently, I'm writing another WPWA book, this time with Malcolm and Skyler. I've been working on this since September and I just hit 32K words over the weekend. I can easily see this hitting the 40-45K word mark.
I really want to finish this in November, so that I can work on other projects in December and give myself an easy month.

But, I actually have some good news... In last month's update, I wrote:
Sadly, I THINK this is the end of the WPWA universe, unless I am inspired by a storyline from the wrestling companies I watch and/or stay up to date with.

Well, I'm happy to say I may have found another WPWA book.
Last year, I started a Drew McIntyre fanfic, as a Thank you to my 'Beta Girls' for helping me when I get stuck and the like. It got shelved in May 2020 (after Camp NaNo) and never picked up again.

In October, I was setting up the writing binder to the page of notes I'm on, and I passed by my notes for the Drew fic I started last year...which got me wondering; Should I keep it as a fanfic for JUST my 'Beta Girls,' or change the names and publish it if/when it's done. It would give me a 5th WPWA book...

And I let it stew for a few days, just trying to think, How could I work it? It took me a few days to get an idea, but it's doable!! I think if I eliminate the 'Scottish accent' of Drew and make the character American born, the plot can still work!!

And so, the 5th WPWA is born!

So, How's the rest of 2021 looking, Daisy?
Like this...
NOVEMBER - Finish the Malcolm/Skyler book. I have 4 more printed pages of notes and 2 weeks to do this... which won't be too bad to do.
DECEMBER - Work a little on the 5th WPWA book and maybe plot another book or two.

Speaking of Malcolm & Skyler, I'm off to visit with them!


Tuesday, October 19, 2021

October Update

So, I've been wanting to do this post for a few weeks, and I keep getting sucked into my book.

So, here's an 'Ask The Author' from Goodreads...

Currently, I'm writing another WPWA book, this time with Malcolm and Skyler. I've been working on this since September and I just hit 20K words over the weekend.

This book is pretty much writing itself. I wracked up nearly 6K of those words last week alone (which is HUGE for me, because I type slow)

Sadly, I THINK this is the end of the WPWA universe, unless I am inspired by a storyline from the wrestling companies I watch and/or stay up to date with.

Which is fine... I have *17* other ideas to write. Although, some may be tossed, because they were fanfic ideas, and I'm not sure I can convert them to not be fanfic, unless they also become WPWA books. I MAY be able to combine 2 ideas into one, if I play my cards right.
Even so, that leaves about 10 workable plots to use...

And that doesn't count the few that have flown into my head the past few days.

Even though the WPWA book is pretty much writing itself, I don't expect to publish it before 2022. It's still untitled, and I can't publish it without a title.

Kind of disappoints me, but C'est la vie.

But I do plan to keep writing.

Signing off to go do that,

Monday, September 13, 2021

I'm still standing...

Yeah, Yeah, Yeah...

Daisy here. So, I've been busy since the last time we 'talked.'

I've published two books, Treat You Better and My Boyfriend's Best Friend.

I've plotted two more. One's being written right now, one I'm eyeing to start for NaNoWriMo, but I do not OFFICIALLY participate in NaNoWriMo.

I tried that one year and I was just so overly stressed that... it wasn't fun.

NaNoWriMo is supposed to be fun and enjoyable. But I was so stressed about trying to make the 1667 daily word count goal (and failing every day) that I SWORE I'd never try to do it again.

And I never have.

I still write in November, but I don't aim for the NaNoWriMo word goal.

So, what's going on for the rest of 2021?

I'm not 100% sure. I'd LOVE to get one more book published... and if the one I'm currently writing keeps working the way it is, That's totally doable.

But I do plan to keep writing.

Signing off to go do that,

Friday, April 30, 2021

Change of Plans...

 No, I am not quitting.

When I set out on my journey, I had plans of keeping all my books free. I write for fun and I wasn't concerned with the income.

I knew Amazon and Barnes & Noble/Nook Press were going to be my biggest Marketplaces, So I started self-publishing through them.

What I really liked about Nook Press (Barnes & Noble's Self-publishing platform) was the ability to make my books permanently free, or 'perma-free.' However, KDP does NOT give that option. If I want my books to be free on Amazon, I need to email them, provide the URLs to my books on the B&N site, and HOPE Amazon would price-match.

And... for the MOST part, they did. I only had to email Amazon once and the price was set to $0.00. For the LONGEST time, Amazon wouldn't touch the price either.

And then... I decided to publish 'Savior.' This was the ONLY book I actually wanted to sell, with all proceeds going to the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society. Joe Anoa'i (WWE's Roman Reigns) was the muse for 'Markus' and I wanted to support him.

After that is when my pricing issues began.

It seemed like I had to contact Amazon much more often to 'reset' one (or more) of my books to $0.00. It got to the point where I was contacting them every other week.

While yes, they WOULD reset the price of the book, it became a pain to having to constantly contact them. And every reply they sent me would say the same thing... 'We retain discretion over determining our retail prices.'

Due to this, It seems I CANNOT have my books be 'perma-free' on Amazon. 

Right now, 4 of my 7 books sit at $0.99, even though I have asked them to keep all but 1 book at $0.00.

Therefore, as of MAY 1, 2021, all books on Amazon will be $0.99.

Also, as of MAY 31, 2021, all books will become Amazon-exclusive. My sales on Barnes & Noble do not justify leaving them on their platform. I'm not 100% sure if I will be putting them into Kindle Unlimited, but my books will ONLY be available on Amazon after that date.

Wednesday, April 29, 2020

Review - ProWritingAid

ProWritingAid Review

DISCLAIMER: Usually, I don’t do reviews on here, but this is a product I use quite a bit and love.

Being an Indie author with a nearly $0 editing budget, that leaves the editing part of the writing process up to me. Good thing I was an English buff. I have a decent to excellent sense of the English language and I know my way around a word processor. Over the past 30 years, I’ve used a LOT of word processors, ranging from ClarisWorks/AppleWorks in the early 1990s to Microsoft Works in the late 1990s to OpenOffice in the 2000s. I’ve even used Google Docs as my word processor when I was using a Chromebook.

But the one thing those word processors did NOT have built in was an actual grammar checker. As I said above, it’s a good thing I was an English buff in school. Anything to do with grammar, I excelled at. But, there are even some rules I’m not sure of… whether that be because I’m rusty at the rules (I’ve been out of school for 20+ years at this point) or my school’s curriculum decided my knowing Romeo’s soliloquy by heart was more important that grammar rules.

In the writing world, this is where an editor would step in and correct my grammar faux pas, and tightening up my writing. But, editors are pricey... Being an Indie author with a nearly $0 editing budget, that leaves the editing part of the writing process up to me.

Enter ProWritingAid.

What I like most about ProWritingAid is the plethora of options it has for usage. The company offers a standalone desktop app, which integrates with the Microsoft Office suite of apps, Google Docs, Scrivener, OpenOffice, and Final Draft. They also offer browser extensions (compatible with Firefox, Google Chrome and Safari browsers), so if you’re more of a Cloud-based author, you can still use their product.

Another feature I LOVE is the reports. ProWritingAid offers 20 original reports to help me see my errors and to also see my strengths.

My favorite report is the ‘Real Time’ report.

This shows me where my errors are, and I can fix them right on the go. That helps me so much because I’m usually editing right before I send the file to my ‘Beta Girls.’ I like my work to be as polished as possible.

Another report I’m fond of is the Readability Report. It tells me how easy my writing is. As a Romance author, I know my readers are looking for an escape from real life; a vacation from life, so to speak. So, I want to keep my writing easy to read and understand. The Readability Report helps me ensure that my readers won’t be left scratching their heads.

I’ve used other web-based grammar checkers in the past, and they worked fine. But between privacy issues and missing errors other checkers have picked up, I constantly go back to ProWritingAid for its ease of use and reliability. In fact, I ran this review through ProWritingAid before posting it.

But don’t take my word for it. Go check out some of their YouTube videos. Read some of their articles… there’s over 1000 articles to choose from. Take a free two-week trial of their software integrations.

Simply go to this link to register: