So, we're 17 days into 2022... What do I have planned for this year?
So, 'Malcolm' got changed to 'Declan,' which kinda fits more with the muse I was using for the HS flashback days. I'm REALLY close to finishing this one, but I ended up getting 'Writer's Burnout' from this book. I WANTED it done in November, but I blew the whole NaNoWriMo thing and wrote maybe 5000 words that month.
I also tried to finish it in December, but then I got sidelined the last week of the month with some medical issues with my adoptive grandfather (including 2 week-long stints in the hospital), and then I ended up with a BAD acid reflux flareup, all right for Christmas. I had to lay in bed all day, just so I didn't try to bring a lung up through my throat or vomit onto my keyboard. That was rough and I don't wish acid reflux on anyone.
I'm HOPING I can finish Declan and Skyler in February or March. Whatever month I finish it, Edits will be done the following month, aiming for pushing 'Publish' about 7-10 days after edits are completed.
As I said in November's update, Well, I'm happy to say I may have found another WPWA book.
Last year (2020), I started a Drew McIntyre fanfic, as a Thank you to my 'Beta Girls' for helping me when I get stuck and the like. It got shelved in May 2020 (after Camp NaNo) and never picked up again. It took me a few days to get an idea, but it's doable!! I think if I eliminate the 'Scottish accent' of Drew and make the character American born, the plot can still work!!
I'm working on those changes now. It's minor things, like turning Scottish dialect/dialogue into an American dialect and changing characters/names of events. There's not too many plot edits I actually need to do, so I'm HOPING once I get through the changes, I can actively start writing again.
I don't see this one being finished before April; I really don't. Like with WPWA Book #4, Whatever month I finish it, Edits will be done the following month, aiming for pushing 'Publish' about 7-10 days after edits are completed.
I have another book all plotted that I plan to start as soon as WPWA Book #5 is finished. It's a 'Friends to Lovers' book and I'm really excited to start that one! A lot of flashbacks in that one, so that's going to be fun as well.
So, this video popped up on my YouTube recs page... It's of the 'Reunion' my HS band (Montrose Marching Unit) did in 2010. Not entirely sure why, but now I want to write a 'Marching Band/Second Chance' book with a drumline player and a Color Guard/Flag girl. That's going to be fun to even plot, because I was NOT in Band or Color Guard. I was a Choir girl, so I'm not entirely sure how that's going to pan out. I have a feeling I'm going to be interviewing/messaging my HS friends who were in Color Guard for help!
I also have an idea of a sort of 'Arranged Marriage' book floating in the ol' noggin... Not really 'Forced,' because the MFC could say no at any time, but more of a 'arranged for the MFC's own good and the two MCs fall for one another.'
I'd be shocked if either one of these are published in 2022. If they are, it's going to be pushing December for a publishing date.
Right now, I only have Treat You Better in Kindle Unlimited. I did a test run the last 3 months of 2021, and forgot to remove it. So, instead of having to remember to take it out, I'm going to be moving ALL books to KU on MARCH 29, 2022. It will be easier for you to read my books that way.
So, those are my 2022 plans. And now? I'm going to go edit WPWA Book #5 some more!
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