Saturday, December 4, 2021

The Best Thing about being a Writer...

The Best Thing about being a Writer...

This popped up on my Author Goodreads page...

I guess the best thing about being a Writer is...


I'm my own 'boss.' I don't have to answer to anyone else.

Having a bad day? Nope, not writing.

Plot not working for me? Okay, let's shelve it for a while; come back when the eyes (and mind) is fresh and I can think more clearly.

Writing about the things I like, and not what others think I need to write about? Sure can!

Deadlines? Only self-imposed, and I have the ability to move them as needed.

Sure, telling the stories are fun, and I love seeing the characters come alive with each keystroke...

But for me? The best part is the freedom to be able to write around MY schedule, whatever that may be!