Thursday, January 16, 2020

My 2020 Plan

My 2020 Plan

Hi all, Daisy here.

So... The last time we talked, I mentioned I had a manuscript I wanted to publish in December, but I was thinking of doing major edits to the manuscript, because I'm leary of using song titles in the text.

I also needed to do the cover for this as well.

Sadly, neither of these happened in December, mainly because of the holidays and being busy with them. I plan to get everything done this week and publish it by the end of January.

Well, what about the rest of 2020, Daisy?

First and foremost, I'm planning to do the two Camp Nanowrimo sessions, In both April and July. These are when the bulk of my writing gets accomplished.

As far as what I'll be writing, I haven't even figured that out. I have plenty of ideas... I have a rockstar baby plot brewing, plus a Frat Boys/College romance series planned.

However, I want to finish the book I started in November 2019. I plan to pick this one up in February and it will more than likely carry me through March. It will be wrestling-based and probably be familiar to longtime wrestling fans.

Yay for writing, but what about what you're going to publish?

Oh! Well, I have two manuscripts completed, Treat You Better and My Brother's Enemy. They just need editing.

Treat You Better is a Wrestling/Country Star romance (trust me, it's not as confusing as it sounds), while My Brother's Enemy is set in the same universe as Savior. As of right now... I have 3 books set in the WPWA universe. I have to recheck my notes to see if there are any more that will be set in the WPWA universe.

I plan to publish those two books, along with 'stripperstory' and the book started in November 2019.

So, I'm looking to DEFINITELY publish 4 books in 2020. Any more than that will just be a bonus for me.

So, that's my 2020 plan. I thank you for coming along for the ride.

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