Ask the Author
Over on Goodreads, they have a 'segment' called "Ask The Author." Since I only have 2 followers over there, my personal GR account and my friend/boss, I screenshotted the question and decided to bring it here.
If another Goodreads question catches my eye, I'll bring it here!

What book are we talking about?
If we mean my most recent release, The Six Month Arrangement, that came pretty much from left field. I was reminiscing about an ex-fiance and wondered how much different my life would be if we had married. And while an ex coming back into your life and saying, 'Hey, we're still engaged.' really has no clout, saying you're still married to your ex and you're not willing to sign the divorce papers without one final try does.
As far as 'Erick' and his actions, He was 'inspired' by an ex of mine. (Yes, I draw a LOT from my personal life) While he never used me as a wedding planner for another girl and himself, some of the things Tawny said Erick told her were actually said by this ex.
Well, what about your WIPs?
Currently, I have 3 WIPs going...
~Pinky Promise
This was my Camp NaNoWriMo project for July 2018. This was inspired by planning my 20th high school reunion. I had gotten a BLIP of a scene of two best friends writing a 'contract' up. The rest just kind of flowed to make the blip be possible AND make sense. I'd say I'm 80-85% done with this one.
~My NaNoWriMo '18 project (Currently untitled)
This started out as my first actual NaNoWriMo attempt in November 2018. To be honest, this was not my original NaNoWriMo plot; this plot was stuffed into my ideas list and kept being shelved for other plots. I actually had another plot all ready to go. I was so pumped to write that plot (and still plan to at some point)…
And then, Fate stepped in and said, “Nope!”
Everything changed on the night of October 22, 2018… The night Joe Anoa’i AKA Roman Reigns announced his leukemia had returned.
It was like a calling inside me; a light switch flipped. This plot was just SCREAMING at me... and I've always heard if something is SCREAMING at you, don't ignore it!
So, with 8 days away from NaNoWriMo, everything was changed. New research had to be done. New names thought of. It was like I was starting fresh.
And I wouldn’t have done a single thing differently.
Even though Roman has now returned to action, I still plan on finishing this one up soon.
~The Stripper Story (Currently untitled)
Oh, boy.
Okay, so about 10 days ago (as of this writing), I had a dream about Roman Reigns as a stripper/male exotic dancer and 'climbing him like a telephone pole.' I was getting into a rut with Pinky Promise and my NaNoWriMo'18 project, so I decided to take what I remembered from the dream and expand it.
It's actually titled 'stripperstory' on my hard drive.
This is probably going to be a short story, no more than 10,000 words, and an HFN ending.
Inspiration comes in many forms; you just need to be able to see them.