Yes, I still live!
2019 has been a whirlwind for me. It seems like the older I get, the faster years fly. It's like I went to sleep on Valentine's Day and here it is, going into December!
I have one more book to actually publish this year... and I'm thinking of publishing the file called 'stripperstory.'
I am thinking of doing major edits to the manuscript, because I'm leary of using song titles in the text.
I also have to do the cover for this as well.
Everything shouldn't take long to do, honestly.
So, what about 2020, Daisy?
I have plenty of ideas... I have a rockstar baby plot brewing, plus a Frat Boys/College romance series planned. Those will probably take me through most of 2020.
I also want to finish the book I'm working on now.
That sounds great and all, but what about what you're going to publish?
Oh! Well, I have two manuscripts completed, Treat You Better and My Brother's Enemy.
Treat You Better is a Wrestling/Country Star romance (trust me, it's not as confusing as it sounds), while My Brother's Enemy is set in the same universe as Savior. As of right now... I have 3 books set in the WPWA universe. (I thought it was 4, but looking over my notes it's actually only 3 books)
I plan to publish those two books, along with the book I'm working on now.
So, I'm looking to DEFINITELY publish 3 books in 2020. Any more than that will just be a bonus for me.
Once I get these plans nailed down, I'll tell you more.
Bye for now!
Friday, November 29, 2019
Monday, March 18, 2019
Ask the Author - 03.18.19
Ask the Author
Over on Goodreads, they have a 'segment' called "Ask The Author." Since I only have 2 followers over there, my personal GR account and my friend/boss, I screenshotted the question and decided to bring it here.
If another Goodreads question catches my eye, I'll bring it here!

What book are we talking about?
If we mean my most recent release, The Six Month Arrangement, that came pretty much from left field. I was reminiscing about an ex-fiance and wondered how much different my life would be if we had married. And while an ex coming back into your life and saying, 'Hey, we're still engaged.' really has no clout, saying you're still married to your ex and you're not willing to sign the divorce papers without one final try does.
As far as 'Erick' and his actions, He was 'inspired' by an ex of mine. (Yes, I draw a LOT from my personal life) While he never used me as a wedding planner for another girl and himself, some of the things Tawny said Erick told her were actually said by this ex.
Well, what about your WIPs?
Currently, I have 3 WIPs going...
~Pinky Promise
This was my Camp NaNoWriMo project for July 2018. This was inspired by planning my 20th high school reunion. I had gotten a BLIP of a scene of two best friends writing a 'contract' up. The rest just kind of flowed to make the blip be possible AND make sense. I'd say I'm 80-85% done with this one.
~My NaNoWriMo '18 project (Currently untitled)
This started out as my first actual NaNoWriMo attempt in November 2018. To be honest, this was not my original NaNoWriMo plot; this plot was stuffed into my ideas list and kept being shelved for other plots. I actually had another plot all ready to go. I was so pumped to write that plot (and still plan to at some point)…
And then, Fate stepped in and said, “Nope!”
Everything changed on the night of October 22, 2018… The night Joe Anoa’i AKA Roman Reigns announced his leukemia had returned.
It was like a calling inside me; a light switch flipped. This plot was just SCREAMING at me... and I've always heard if something is SCREAMING at you, don't ignore it!
So, with 8 days away from NaNoWriMo, everything was changed. New research had to be done. New names thought of. It was like I was starting fresh.
And I wouldn’t have done a single thing differently.
Even though Roman has now returned to action, I still plan on finishing this one up soon.
~The Stripper Story (Currently untitled)
Oh, boy.
Okay, so about 10 days ago (as of this writing), I had a dream about Roman Reigns as a stripper/male exotic dancer and 'climbing him like a telephone pole.' I was getting into a rut with Pinky Promise and my NaNoWriMo'18 project, so I decided to take what I remembered from the dream and expand it.
It's actually titled 'stripperstory' on my hard drive.
This is probably going to be a short story, no more than 10,000 words, and an HFN ending.
Inspiration comes in many forms; you just need to be able to see them.
Thursday, February 14, 2019
Upcoming books
When 2019 began, I promised myself I would publish 3 books this year... Not that I would write, but that I would publish.
So far, I actually have 4 books planned for this year...
~The Six Month Arrangement
This book took 3 long years to write, mainly because the muses kept leaving me hanging for months on end. I pushed myself in December 2018 and finished it with 3 days to spare before 2019.
This is now sitting in my beta readers' hands, and if ALL goes well, I'll be publishing it March 1, 2019.
~Pinky Promise
This was my Camp NaNoWrimo project for July 2018. I'd say I'm 80-85% done with this one. I'm planning to finish this up in March and have it to my beta readers by May. I'm aiming for a July 1, 2019 release, but that MAY be pushed back a bit.
~My NaNoWrimo '18 project (Currently untitled)
This started out as my first actual NaNoWriMo attempt in November 2018. I knew going into this, I was not going to hit the 50,000 word mark. But I was fine with that.
As of the date of this post, I'm actually also still writing this one, sitting at around 70% of this one being done. I wouldn't plan on seeing this one until LATE 2019, as I really don't know when this one will be finished. I may just hit the 50,000 mark with this one, or pretty close to it, as I still have 3 more 'plot points' I want to hit.
I'd also like to point out that while all of my books will be PERMA-FREE, This one will NOT BE FREE. Due to the muse of this book, I plan to actually SELL this book (probably at $1.99) and donate ALL proceeds to The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society.
~My Camp NaNoWrimo April '19 project (Currently untitled)
I have a little over 500 words written in an OLD fanfic I began maybe 5 years ago, if not longer. I have plans of dusting it off, changing the characters to original characters (because, you know, copyright laws and such) and expand it to at least a novella length.
Again, I wouldn't plan on seeing this one until LATE 2019 if not EARLY 2020, as I really don't know when this one will be finished. Some 'plot points' are going to be super-sticky as far as 'age issues' go, so this DEFINITELY won't be finished in April.
IF I can squeeze another book or two in, great. But these are the ones I plan to finish in 2019.
So far, I actually have 4 books planned for this year...
~The Six Month Arrangement
This book took 3 long years to write, mainly because the muses kept leaving me hanging for months on end. I pushed myself in December 2018 and finished it with 3 days to spare before 2019.
This is now sitting in my beta readers' hands, and if ALL goes well, I'll be publishing it March 1, 2019.
~Pinky Promise
This was my Camp NaNoWrimo project for July 2018. I'd say I'm 80-85% done with this one. I'm planning to finish this up in March and have it to my beta readers by May. I'm aiming for a July 1, 2019 release, but that MAY be pushed back a bit.
~My NaNoWrimo '18 project (Currently untitled)
This started out as my first actual NaNoWriMo attempt in November 2018. I knew going into this, I was not going to hit the 50,000 word mark. But I was fine with that.
As of the date of this post, I'm actually also still writing this one, sitting at around 70% of this one being done. I wouldn't plan on seeing this one until LATE 2019, as I really don't know when this one will be finished. I may just hit the 50,000 mark with this one, or pretty close to it, as I still have 3 more 'plot points' I want to hit.
I'd also like to point out that while all of my books will be PERMA-FREE, This one will NOT BE FREE. Due to the muse of this book, I plan to actually SELL this book (probably at $1.99) and donate ALL proceeds to The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society.
~My Camp NaNoWrimo April '19 project (Currently untitled)
I have a little over 500 words written in an OLD fanfic I began maybe 5 years ago, if not longer. I have plans of dusting it off, changing the characters to original characters (because, you know, copyright laws and such) and expand it to at least a novella length.
Again, I wouldn't plan on seeing this one until LATE 2019 if not EARLY 2020, as I really don't know when this one will be finished. Some 'plot points' are going to be super-sticky as far as 'age issues' go, so this DEFINITELY won't be finished in April.
IF I can squeeze another book or two in, great. But these are the ones I plan to finish in 2019.
Tuesday, February 12, 2019
An explanation...
So, I think I better explain why there has been so many name changes...
Let me start by saying I am VERY indecisive. It's a Gemini thing. I have got through 6 different pen names, trying to find ME. I finally found one I adore, and I'm STICKING with it!! It has very personal and sentimental meaning to me.
Honestly, I don't even remember some of them... The ones I DO remember are:
Rebecca Ann
Rebecca Drake
Beckilyn Marie
Daisy Nathaniels
and now, the one that is going to STICK
Daisy Loveless
The one that stuck the longest, Daisy Nathaniels, also had personal meaning to me... daisies are one of my fave flowers (roses and peonies being the other two) and if I was a boy, I would have been named Nathaniel... I felt like I was honoring my mother by using 'Nathaniel' in my pen name.
About a month ago, I just started not feeling it.
So, I really sat and thought about it. I really wanted to keep the 'Daisy' of it, but what last name could I use? I really didn't want to use my real last name, because I didn't want to have it change it if I ever get married.
And then it came to me.
I chose 'Daisy Loveless' because I love daisies (roses and peonies being my other two fave flowers) and how close I was to my best male friend Johnny, who died in 2011... so it's my way of 'memorializing' him. I miss Johnny every single day, and I know if he was still alive, he'd be supporting me 125% in being an author.
That being said, I want to thank Mama Melissa, Shelia, Andrea, Marci, Paulette and Ryan for helping make the decision, because I was actually sitting on the fence for a LONG time about this... Their positive words and memes gave me the gentle 'push' I needed to actually go for it.
So, here we go... Thanks for following along for the ride!
Let me start by saying I am VERY indecisive. It's a Gemini thing. I have got through 6 different pen names, trying to find ME. I finally found one I adore, and I'm STICKING with it!! It has very personal and sentimental meaning to me.
Honestly, I don't even remember some of them... The ones I DO remember are:
Rebecca Ann
Rebecca Drake
Beckilyn Marie
Daisy Nathaniels
and now, the one that is going to STICK
Daisy Loveless
The one that stuck the longest, Daisy Nathaniels, also had personal meaning to me... daisies are one of my fave flowers (roses and peonies being the other two) and if I was a boy, I would have been named Nathaniel... I felt like I was honoring my mother by using 'Nathaniel' in my pen name.
About a month ago, I just started not feeling it.
So, I really sat and thought about it. I really wanted to keep the 'Daisy' of it, but what last name could I use? I really didn't want to use my real last name, because I didn't want to have it change it if I ever get married.
And then it came to me.
I chose 'Daisy Loveless' because I love daisies (roses and peonies being my other two fave flowers) and how close I was to my best male friend Johnny, who died in 2011... so it's my way of 'memorializing' him. I miss Johnny every single day, and I know if he was still alive, he'd be supporting me 125% in being an author.
That being said, I want to thank Mama Melissa, Shelia, Andrea, Marci, Paulette and Ryan for helping make the decision, because I was actually sitting on the fence for a LONG time about this... Their positive words and memes gave me the gentle 'push' I needed to actually go for it.
So, here we go... Thanks for following along for the ride!
Monday, February 11, 2019
Okay, so I deleted EVERYTHING and am starting from scratch with this blog.
Let me start by saying I am VERY indecisive. It's a Gemini thing. I have got through5 6!!! different pen names, trying to find ME. I finally found one I adore, and I'm STICKING with it!! It has very personal and sentimental meaning to me.
Writing has always been a passion of mine. I started what could be considered my first 'novel' at age 12 (in 1991) on an old Tandy 1000 HX system. I sat for HOURS in my room that summer typing away at the built-in keyboard, keeping myself out of my mom's hair. Later that fall, I remember printing out the first 'chapter' of the story to hand in for an English assignment. While I did receive an A on the assignment, my English teacher told me that some parts of the story were 'too risque' for a 7th grade assignment. Whoops. *giggle*
My 2nd 'novel' was written on a Macintosh Performa/LC 475 system. I can't remember the name of the software I used for it, but it was part of a desktop publishing suite. I wrote what would be considered a 'Mary Sue' in the literary world, using myself and 'characters' that I knew personally. I never published it, and sadly, I never printed it out. I don't think my school would have looked favorably at printing a story on their printers about their students in some of the situations I placed them into.
After that, I let writing go for a few years, concentrating on high school coursework and taking care of my sick mother. The only 'writing' I did during high school were the various reports and essays we were assigned. I always got A grades for my writing, but I never really considered it a 'calling.'
I 'picked the pen up' again in 1999, writing fanfiction in the wrestling fandom. I've dabbled in other fandoms, but my 'most successful' genre was the wrestling fandom. For over 10 years, I wrote fanfics, starting with 1st-person 'Mary Sue' works, then transitioning to 3rd-person 'Mary Sue' works.
I then turned my attention to graphic design, which I was pretty successful at, but then the audience I worked for (LiveJournal's graphics community) died down and I wasn't as busy as I once was.
About mid-2013, I discovered Amazon's self-publishing program, Amazon KDP. After extensive research, I decided to throw caution to the wind and published my first book, 18 Wheels and 2000 Miles, in September 2013. Since then, I have published another book and have been part of an anthology to benefit ASAN: Autism Self-Advocacy Network.
So, this is where I am now... 39 and starting on a new adventure in life. Thank you for joining me on the ride!
Let me start by saying I am VERY indecisive. It's a Gemini thing. I have got through
Writing has always been a passion of mine. I started what could be considered my first 'novel' at age 12 (in 1991) on an old Tandy 1000 HX system. I sat for HOURS in my room that summer typing away at the built-in keyboard, keeping myself out of my mom's hair. Later that fall, I remember printing out the first 'chapter' of the story to hand in for an English assignment. While I did receive an A on the assignment, my English teacher told me that some parts of the story were 'too risque' for a 7th grade assignment. Whoops. *giggle*
My 2nd 'novel' was written on a Macintosh Performa/LC 475 system. I can't remember the name of the software I used for it, but it was part of a desktop publishing suite. I wrote what would be considered a 'Mary Sue' in the literary world, using myself and 'characters' that I knew personally. I never published it, and sadly, I never printed it out. I don't think my school would have looked favorably at printing a story on their printers about their students in some of the situations I placed them into.
After that, I let writing go for a few years, concentrating on high school coursework and taking care of my sick mother. The only 'writing' I did during high school were the various reports and essays we were assigned. I always got A grades for my writing, but I never really considered it a 'calling.'
I 'picked the pen up' again in 1999, writing fanfiction in the wrestling fandom. I've dabbled in other fandoms, but my 'most successful' genre was the wrestling fandom. For over 10 years, I wrote fanfics, starting with 1st-person 'Mary Sue' works, then transitioning to 3rd-person 'Mary Sue' works.
I then turned my attention to graphic design, which I was pretty successful at, but then the audience I worked for (LiveJournal's graphics community) died down and I wasn't as busy as I once was.
About mid-2013, I discovered Amazon's self-publishing program, Amazon KDP. After extensive research, I decided to throw caution to the wind and published my first book, 18 Wheels and 2000 Miles, in September 2013. Since then, I have published another book and have been part of an anthology to benefit ASAN: Autism Self-Advocacy Network.
So, this is where I am now... 39 and starting on a new adventure in life. Thank you for joining me on the ride!
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